How to Use Infotainment
2018 Review that's good.
2021 Traverse
Traverse Seat Covers
More Seats
The seat covers I got from Chewy: Back Seat
Front Buckets
I may, or may not, get better ones later but right now I need to protect the new leather seats in our new Traverse -AND- protect the seats in
the loaner car. It appears that these will do the job. Need to take my "puppy" to the Vet for his Cytopoint shot. Later: Well, they did
the job of protecting the seats BUT they don't fit right. They have a hard tube that you stuff in the seat hinge that is supposed to keep the cover on. It doesn't
work well. Got my eye on another set which is listed in item 66 below. However, my wife thinks buying a second set is rediculous. Time will tell.
- **** It seems we started out with 132.4 miles on odometer, when I picked it up. ****
- Wed Jun 23 - Drove it home from Goodyear BraunAbility. 14 miles
- Thur Jun 24 - Drove it to Yates in Goodyear. 14 miles
- Thur Jun 24 - Drove it home from Yates. 14 miles
- Thur Jun 24 - Drove it back to Yates in Goodyear and they kept it. 14 miles
- Fri Jun 25 - From Yates to Braun.. left it at Braun. 0.6 miles
- Mon Jun 28 - They drove it to Sands Chevy in Surprise. 15 miles
- Jun ?? - They drove it back from Sands to BraunAbility. 15 miles
- Jul ?? - They drove it from Braun in Goodyear to Braun in Chandler. 43 miles
- Jul ?? - They drove it from Braun in Chandler to Braun in Goodyear. 43 miles
- **** 172.6 miles traveled ****
- Fri Jul 9 - At this point the odometer read 305 new radio on order.
- Fri Jul 9 - Drove it home from Braun in Goodyear. 14 miles
- Fri Jul 8 to Wed Jul 14 -- personal use. 63 miles
- Wed Jul 14 - Drove it down to Braun... Got new radio. 14 miles
- Wed Jul 14 - Drove it home -- 396 on odometer and it is
mineours. 14 miles - Thur Jul 15 - To Braun and back to deliver paper work. 28 miles. 396 + 28 = 424
- **** It seems approximately 242.6 miles were spent chasing this radio problem. ****
Back home at 429 miles. Trip to Safeway and back made "extra" mileage.
Later whilst cleaning and trying organize and trying to figure out what storage devices I will have to purchase, something caught the corner of
my eye. There was muddy water prints inside the door. Upon inspection I found that the door was NOT sealed. I never thought to look at the door
edges!! It is an open cavity where water and slush could just pour in. I mean they seal these doors for a reason.
And the Infomation Center Radio quit again!! Texted Mark and told him. Don't think I was nice.
- Fri Jul 16 = Got a text from Mark. He has found another Cajun Red Traverse and wants to swap. I was at work and had some time to
think this over. I liked the looks of the car and the way it drove. The openings in the doors may be corrected later and maybe not.
We will put the extention on the removal pedal and then I will be able to remove the seat. The seat removal problem was not mentioned
above cause we were concentrating on the Infomation problem. It seems that I am not heavy enough to operate the controls for the seat
removal. We experimented with a pair of Vice Grips, extending the pedal and I was able to remove the seat. We may put an extention on
the pedal in the new one. It seems awfully strange that I can't do it. Cassy Churchill in the Video has to weigh less than I. Think I need
to practice some more before we do any extentions. I have watched her over and over. I didn't see her move the seat forward and most of all
she didn't angle the back forwad. Think with it leaning back you get more leverage. I'll try that.
The milage at this point was 454. Personal use plus milage to Braun.
I was given a loaner car, a 2018 Toyota, to use until the new Traverse gets here. Odometer on the Toyota 55963
- Sat July 24 - Waiting on the newest one to arrive in Phoenix. When I checked by the Vin... before it was taken off the WEB becuase of my purchase...
it was stated that it had 7 miles on it.
- *** August 2nd - I was told that it had arrived. They just needed to wash it and gas it up. Had 8 miles on it. ***
- Aug 2nd - Got the Toyota washed and gassed up and drove over to Ability Center in Goodyear.
- Aug 2nd - Inspected the car via riding with Mark to get it washed and gassed up. In looking it over we found that it got banged up during the transport. There was some damage to the rear plastic bumper on the drivers side. Mark said he would submit a claim. I claimed the car at odometer reading of 10 miles.
- Aug 2nd - At home, in my driveway, with 25 miles on the odometer. Wanted to show off to my wife, Darlene. Got her in her wheelchair and rolled her outside to see it. She was impressed and liked the color, Cajun Red.
- Aug 2nd - Unfortunately, I could not impress her. The ramp door would NOT open via the key FOB no matter how many times I pressed it. The previous "new" Traverse had a "hair trigger". Had it operate twice unexpectantly. Once at Yates Buick when Chairety handed the key FOB to me and once at the Ability Center when I handed the key FOB to Mark. Lucky on both no one, and nothing, was in range of the ramp.
- Aug 2nd - Wanted to get the ramp out to show Darlene so I reached in on the B column to push the button that was supposed to be there. It was NOT! Investigated further and found it hanging by the ribbon cable that provided power and instructions. Turns out these switches are not embedded, they are "stick ons". Might have another Arizona Sun problem. Don't know how well these "stick ons" are gonna hold up in this Arizona Sun. Angry I called/texted Mark and told him I wanted to return the Traverse and leave it with them until they got it working. I would need transportation in the meantime so I will use the Toyota that they had loaned me before.
- Aug 3rd - Arrived at the Ability Center shortly around 8am. Met Hector pulling in as I was trying to turn around. I had pulled into the back door drive instead of the front. Hector had me leave it there at the back door. I informed him that another "problem" had popped up this morning. The steering wheel was squeaking when you turned it. Also noticed that the protection tapes, or at least I think that's what they are, were not removed. That is not really a complaint cause I essentially took posession of it right off the transport truck. They didn't have time to service it. Only to wash it and gas it up.
- Aug 3rd - Walked through the garage to office and asked Iracema for the keys and plate to the Toyota. Odometer read 56204. I drove it home.
- Problems to be fixed:
- The key FOB not operating the door/ramp.
- The switch fell out and hanging.
- The rear bumper.
- The protection tapes removed.
- Aug 5th - Got a call from Mark and.... the Traverse was ready!!!
- Aug 6th - 69 miles - Including home from Braun yesterday, to work, took Ryan home and then to my drive. For some reason these miles are NOT adding up correctly -OR- I'm reading the wrong odometer. Have to look at the book.
- Aug 7th - I noticed that the Ramp door, closure from yesterday, was not closing all the way. I reopened it and then closed it. The door closed and then partially opened, about the distance that I noticed it was not closed, but this time it closed all the way. Probably a minor adjustment but I'm not giving up my Traverse again... yet.
- Aug 8th - Started setting up the Infotainment Center. Selected English and then agreed to setup Onstar. The person was very nice had an accent but for the most part I could understand him. Didn't setup anything else... not even the radio. I have been listening to the station that the repair crew had selected... or nothing at all.
- Aug 11th - First trip with Darlene in her wheelchair to Hangar Clinic for her leg brace. Getting those Q'Straints in the slots was a bi%&*!! Don't know IF it was cause they and the Traverse are both new or IF they are hard like this all the time. We can leave the very front ones in all the time but the rear ones need to be removed. The inside front was also very difficult to get to. This trip has pushed me into getting the docking system, QLK-150, also fron Quanta. Need to make an appointment with the local Ability Center. Note: Can't leave the front ones in IF you put the passenger seat back in.
- Aug 11th - Well I wrecked my new car!! Pulled over in a parking lot to verify our directions, we were going to get something to eat, and horror of horrors I parked to close to a curb and ran over it when I pulled out!! Traverse is bigger than my old Blazer. Got to make wider turns. Also have to remember that I parked next to a curb!! It split the edge of the bottom panel below the drivers door but not so bad that you can see it. You must get down on hands and knees but it is split open. Not sure yet how much that will cost or even if I will get it fixed. I'm sure they will have to replace the whole panel and that will be expensive. Since it is unseen unless you go looking for it, I'll play it by ear.
- Aug 14th - 141 miles Problems to be fixed:
- The key FOB not operating the door/ramp. - Fixed
- The switch fell out and hanging. - Wellll... it fell off again. I stuck it back up and so far it is still staying. May have to "Gorilla" glue it.
- The rear bumper. - Fixed
- The protection tapes removed. - Somewhat fixed. Still has some tape gooo. Gonna get some GooGone.
- Went to my local mechanic, "Pete Nelson's" and he checked underneath. (Bill) He did NOT see anything other than that split on the edge... that doesn't show anyway.
- Aug 15th = I can operate our Traverse from 20+ feet away BUT I can get in the car with the Key FOB in my pocket -or- in my lap and I will get a message that there isn't a Key FOB present!! Or missing. The pressing of the break must be done again and the amount that it goes down feels different and it makes a klunk noise. You can feel it.
- Aug 15th - I had mentioned back when I had let them keep it to fix the Ramp problem that the steering wheel was squeaking and that the problem had just started that morning. Well it is still squeaking BUT not all the time. Think it varies with the weather which is gonna make it darn difficult to find and fix.
- Aug 15th - Another problem is coming out of Park. At times, when I move the gear shift out of Park, into Drive, it stays in Park. The car does not move forward or give any indication that it can... until I give it some gas and then there is a lurch forward... or backwards, cause it happens both ways. This happens quite regularly. Update: I have been noticing that this "Park Problem" seems to happen when I get one of those key FOB missing messages that are wrong cause I have the key in my lap! In fact lately I have been watching it closer and I can almost guarentee that you will get the Park Problem IF you get the key FOB message. Have to watch closer to see if it happens otherwise.
- Aug 16th - Ok we start off with a positive note. The air conditoner in this car is as good as my Blazer was when it was new. The Chevy air conditioners from the factory work great!! I mean it gets cold in there. I even somewhat chilled a bottle of water in my Blazer by holding it up to the vent for a few miles. Haven't had the need in this Traverse... yet.
- Aug 16th - The mileage on the odometer and the gas mileage don't agree sometimes. Got gas tonight and at the station the mileage left, till we run out, after filling, was 269. The odometer said we have driven our new car 167 miles. When we got home the mileage left was 260!! The odometer was 169, which was probably correct. We only live a mile and a half from the station. I do believe that mileage left depends a lot on the angle of the car. My Blazer would warn me in my driveway if I was facing the street, but if I turned it the other way around, it was silent. I filled the Traverse so we can check the milage. August in Arizona. Use the air conditioner a lot. Which, by the way, seems to turn off the "Auto Stop".
- Aug 16th - Been noticing a lack of seat belt warnings. Have been intermittent but today none at all. Daughter says I should report that. You pay this much for a car it should all work. I agree...but...I never liked those seat belt warnings anyway. So I really don't care BUT she is right... should all work. Well guess what??? I found the problem!! Have a 6 inch extender plugged into the seat belt receptacle on the seat. Got tired of fighting to get the belt snapped. Leaving the extention in the clasp caused the alarm system to think that the belt was properly connected!! So... need to refigure and decide on how I want to handle this "belt problem".
- Aug 17th - Went to the store this morning. Safeway, right near the gas station. The mileage gets interesting.
- As noted above Miles Left in the drive as 260 and the odometer was 169.
- Got out on the street and it became 259.
- Driving a little further and it became 257.
- Parked at Safeway and it, miles left, was 255 with the odometer reading 170.
- Left Safeway and it, miles left, became 252 on the way home.
- Home and in the driveway it, miles left, reads 250 and the odometer reads 172
- Aug 18th - Odometer 195 Miles Left 230 Went on a service call last evening and going same place today.
Now then, went out to get the mileage readings and had strange occurances. It was so screwed up that I am not sure I can relate it in proper sequence of the screw ups. What it amounted to was I had the door open and was looking at the dash. Didn't show the Miles Left so I pressed the ignition button to see if that would show the reading. No. Then I put my foot on the brake and pushed to start the car. It would not. Tried again and it would not. Then when I tried another time it said key FOB was missing. had it right in my lap. One of the times I pressed the dismiss button and everything went crazy. Finally after pressing the ignition button to turn things off, then getting fully in the driver's seat AND pressing the brake down, I was able to start the car. I was really worried that I had broke something. - Aug 19th - Odometer 223 Miles left 208
Finally got my Cell Phone connected to "myChevrolet".
Interesting trip to the dentist today. Those Q'Straints are nice but for me a bear to get installed. I have the front ones installed all the time but I must put the back ones in the tracks. Then you have to connect them to the chair. - Aug 19th - When leaving the dentist we had a problem with the ramp door. The ramp retracted but the door would not close. I had to close it manually... forcefully. This was in addition to having problems with the wheelchair but that is another story. At home the door operated normally. Odometer 241 Miles Left 184
- Aug 21st - No driving today but went out and checked the mileages. Odometer read 247 and the Miles Left read 174. That was from yesterday. Went to work and then back to Safeway... mile and a half to each equals 6 miles. So the Odometer is correct but that mileage left is NOT very encouraging. That is saying I used up 10 miles of gas going only 6 miles!! Since my last trip to the gas station was a fill up, I will fill up again and check the mileage with calculations.
- Aug 22nd - Odometer 247 Miles Left 174 Now then, on this day I took Darlene to the Dentist. Once again it was a struggle with the straps. Also had a door/ramp problem. The ramp went back up and in but the door would not close. I had to close it manually. Once at home I tried it again and it worked just fine. Never know what is going to happen with this vehicle.
- Aug 24th - Got gas... Gal 7.2 Odometer 276 Miles left 271. (276-167=109/7.2=15.53mpg)...Not to good.
- Aug 25th - Went to the store... Odometer 281 Miles Left 255
- Aug 26th - Getting a QLK-150 Q'Straint docking system. Was scheduled for today but not with everybody. Drove down there and it was
"rescheduled" for 'next' Thursday. I'm to take the wheelchair to them on Wednesday, around noon, and they will make the neccessary
mods to it and then we will come on Thurdaday to get "positioned".
Mileage was interesting today:- At home: Odometer 281 Miles Left 255 Now these reading were taken in my driveway, facing the street, which makes the front lower than the back.
- Arrived at Ability Center: Odometer 295 Miles Left 260 However, I parked at the back door, and it was angled. Front higher than rear.
- Found there was no fix today. After backing off to level ground the Miles Left changed to 250 and then to 249. By the time I got to 107th by my house it read 243. Backed onto my drive, so angle has fron lower than rear. Miles Left became 237 and the Odometer read 309.
- Went shopping: Odometer 318 Miles Left 221 This is at rest, in my drive, at the driveway angle.
Features of the QLK-150 Electronic Wheelchair Docking System:
- 3 years with completed warranty
- Extensive crash testing-First and only system tested to higher WC/19 wheelchair loads; and also the only system tested from all sides
- Slim and Flexible Dash Control-Compact design has a larger touch area with embedded LED indicators showing system status
- Flush Surface-Eliminates snags while giving users 3/16" of additional bolt clearance
- Tapered Channel-Helps smoothly guide wheelchairs into place
- Reduced Footprint-Reduces castor interference with shortened design front to back while retaining original hole pattern
- SMART (ECM)-Newly designed Micro-processor controller
- Sleep Function-When user exits docking base, system draws 5 times less power from the battery
- Low Current Draw-Solenoid (an electronic conductor) release draws between 4.2 - 9.1 Amps versus 18 Amps from other models
- Reduced Electrical Components-New design only requires a single micro-switch and eliminates thermal switch
- Plug and Play Serviceability-Solenoid and limit switch feature quick connectors
- Screw Terminal Connectors-Connectors are easily removed for faster wire routing, and eliminates additional crimping and soldering
- Removable Cover-Faster servicing and maintenance
- Over-Torque Protection-Prevents "locking up" if internal hardware is over-torqued during routine maintenance
- Heat Treatment-All components except for base mounts are treated to increase strength and reduce entry channel warping and sharpening
- Eco-Friendly Steel Coating-High-grade steel features more eco-friendly coating to prevent corrosion and reduce the impact on the environment
- Lowest/Highest Clearance-Optional base mounts allow for the docking system to be mounted from 1.5" to 4" to fit with your wheelchair perfectly.
- Aug 27th - Back and forth to work and then to Safeway, Bank and Gas. All in the same shopping area.
At gas up: Odometer 324 Miles Left 270... (324-276=48/3.016=15.92mpg) Over to Safeway 500ft: Miles left 260.
Back Home: Odometer 325 Miles Left 258. - Sep 1st - Taking the wheelchair to the Ability Center to get the bracket installed on the bottom that will latch into the docking station. The docking station will be installed tomorrow.
- Sep 2nd - Nope... no wheelchair alterations nor Traverse mods. They caught Covid!! Have to wait till they get healthy again. Got my USB stick to play in the Infomation Center. Don't know why it didn't work the first time. Probably had my tounge on the wrong side of my mouth.
- Sep 5th - 9th ... Just a "normal" week. Crossed 400 miles on the Odometer going to Walmart and back.
- Sep 11th - After work I jumped in the car and it took 5 times to try to start it before if finally recognized the key FOB on my lap. Then when I put it in gear, it stayed in Park. This happens quite often and as far as I can remember, only after a key non-recognition.
- Sep 14th - Odometer 413 Miles Left 144...
Once again to Braun with Wheelchair so they can put the bolt on the bottom. It was taken there so I coould just leave it and they could put the bolt in.
But... on the way home I got to thinking, (do that once in a while
) will the "normal" passenger seat fit back in with the Docking Station installed?? Quickly upon arrival at home I searced the Internet for any info on a Traverse with a docking station installed. In my haste I could not find anything. So I called Q'Straint and asked them. Their reply was, "The case is two inches high. They have a lower one that is one and a half inches high but the bolt under the chair has to be longer." So, we have either a case to high or a bolt to long... or neither. I took the Traverse and Chevy chair back down to Braun and we did a test. The station fit under the Chevy chair. One of the techs at Braun said I could just leave the passenger seat out permanently. BUT that is the reason I picked and purchased a BraunAbility Traverse in the first place, so I could have the seat removal/re-install options. Since I have had this vehicle, we have only used it for Darlene twice. Once for a leg brace and once for the Dentist. Both times with Q'Straint straps.
- Sep 15th - To much happening. I had a colonoscopy this morning!! On top of that had some deliveries that got messed up. Trying to get all that straight AND document this vehicle has been a hassle. On top of all that I need to take care of Darlene(wife), Dakotah(dog) and Tobie(cat).
- Sep 16th - At gas up: Odometer 485 Miles Left 282
(485-324=161/11.21=14.36mpg) Mileage is NOT good!!
We also experienced a key non-recognition and a stuck in park after getting the gas. - Sep 17th - Taking wife, Darlene, the wheelcair and the Traverse to BraunAbility to position and install the Q'Straint QLK-150 Docking System. As mentioned above, the bolt extention that locks into the station has already been installed on the wheelchair.
- Sep 17th - Odometer 515 Miles Left 256 Alllllrighty now... as of today I feel that I have what I was looking for way back in January/February. Even though I am not happy with all the changes and mods, I am happy with the car... so far. Some of the "niceties" and "luxurious items" were removed in order to facilitate the wheelchair accommodations. At this point in time, it is one or the other. Transporting my lovely wife with me, and taking her to her doctor visits, is a lot more important. This latest addition, the Docking Station, will make things a lot easier. Just guide her out and into the Traverse and go. It locks in automatically. No more fumbling with those restraint straps... however... have not tried it yet. We got there a little late, 9 o'clockish, and they had other work besides ours. Then around noon they came and offered to take us home cause it was gonna take longer. They had to remove the flooring to move wires, or drill the holes in the floor with it off, so that they miss the miles of wires under the floor where they needed to put the station. They got it finished and then delivered the car to us. It was late and my wife was sleeping so all they did was drop off the car and give me a few instructions.
- Sep 18th - The morning was occupied with family business so nothing was accomplished with the Traverse. However, late in the afternoon, I had the opportinity to try the wheelchair and the docking station. I got up the ramp and maneuvered the chair into the ramp. I felt it catching, or so I thought, but when I got down and looked it was not locked. The indicators also said it was not locked. Got back in the chair and moved forward. Perhaps a little to strenuously. The chair twisted a little facing to the right. Well, that's ok, I thought, but it wasn't. I could not get the station to unlock and back out!! I tried everything, even holding my tounge on the other side of my mouth. So I locked up the Traverse and went into the house thinking I was gonna have to wait until Monday to get it unlocked. Well guess what?? In describing the problem to my wife I got the hairbrained thought that maybe, just maybe it was cause of the crookedness. Went out to the Traverse, fired up the wheelchair and slightly turned it the other way. IT WORKED!! The chair was released and I was able to drive it off the Traverse.
- Sep 18th - More checking. For some reasons the docking station was put in offset to the left. So much so that both types of "Dog Bones"
had to have a notch cut in them in order to mount the station. They did the measuring and positioning with my wife and then they did the installation.
I don't remember there being any offset when we did the "dry run" on Tuesday.
Now these are a great bunch of guys but "we" didn't fully think this out 'and' the original was a little hodge podge itself. The plastic
inserts for the wheels and locking on the "normal" Chevy seat were not measured very precisely on the installation. Holes were drilled
through the plastic into the metal underneath with no set spot. They were not interchangeable and it was obvious that there was no "precision"
in the original install. Consequently when my crew got them mixed up and cut the notch, they cut it out on the wrong side. This is when I got into
further investigation. I put the plastic covers in without the screws and tried the wheelchair. It drove in and locked with no problem. I was able
to unlock and back out. The wheelchair wheels did not have a problem with the cavities in the plastics... they are to big. However, I could NOT put
the Chevy seat in and lock it. The Docking Station was about 1/4 to 1/2 inch to far over to the left. The wheels on the chair would not drop down.
The error was the same distance as the width of the notch that was cut into the plastic covers and the dog bones. They said that they had to remove the floor
panel to drill the holes in the first place. Well, I do believe that they are goin to have to replace the floor panel, and move the docking station over
the amount that they cut out. Approximately 5/8 inch.
We are trying to fit a Quantum Edge 2.0 iLevel. Overall Length..32.23" Base Width..24.4". 6"x2"Front and Rear 14"x3" Main - Sep 20th - Odometer 546 Miles Left 231 Another Alllllrighty now... Went to BraunAbility Center as one of the customers they get annoyed at, ones that just pop in. But, fortunately, they didn't mind this time. I showed and explained my problem then went into the lobby and watched NCIS. Little over an hour later they had the "problem" fixed. Turns out that the screws in the plastic covers MUST be in there. They hold down the plastic. Otherwise it will lift and not let the chair lock. They also recomend removing them when a wheelchair is in place. That means unscrewing and removing the plastic parts and then later when the Chevy chair is wanted, putting the plastic parts back in and re-screwing them. Not so sure on how long this will last before the screws and/or the hole wear out. It is a drilled hole with self tapping screws.
- Sep 20th - At Gas up: Odometer 547 Miles Left 299 (547-485=62/3.359=18.46mpg) Mileage is better. That is because most of the driving was long trips back and forth to Braun. Now then, I am trying to go to the same station AND just going till the pump shuts off. That is what they want anyway. Have signs saying "Do not overfill or Top Off". I don't necessarily get the same pump so there may be a difference there. I did switch to the "middle" grade fuel and I do believe that I am getting better mileage with it. I noticed the same thing on my Blazer. There is also this thing about "Top Tier" gas that I need to investigate.
- FREESOO Car Seat Covers This is the Installation video:
- Sep 22 - We are going to take our first trip in the Traverse with the new Docking Station. Going to the Dentist.
- Sep 22 - Odometer 617 Miles Left 219 Quite a day!! First we couldn't get the wheelchair locked. Could swear that I was able to get it in and locked "with" the plastic covers installed. But not this time. So I removed the plastic covers and put in the metal ones. STILL could NOT get the wheelchair locked. As it turned out... even though the Docking Station had a 'V' entrance the chair was to heavy to "slide" down into a locked position. It hit the side and stopped!! We have to turn and go forward at the same time. This leaves the chair at an angle which presents problems when UN-locking, which was covered above. However, there is another problem which is not exactly concerened with the Traverse amd Braun, but the wheelchair itself. IF you have the seat angle back it will NOT move! There is a safety feature built in so that the chair will not drive if it is reclined too far. When we got to the Doctor we could not get the chair and Darlene out of the car!! Went all the way to Braun for help and that is where we got reminded that the chair can not be tilted back very far or it won't move. Darlene had tilted the seat back on our way to the Doctor. Learning....
- Sep 24-27 - Odometer 631 Miles Left 189 Those readings were in my driveway facing the street, slightly downhill. Only real action for these 4 days was me going back and forth to work and I believe one or two shopping trips. As you can see by the next odometer reading, we only put 23 miles on the beast.
- Sep 28 - Odometer 654 Miles Left 160 Those readings were in my driveway facing the street, slightly downhill... first thing in the morning. We are going to have another Dentist trip today.
- Sep 28 - Dentist trip was another disaster!! First of all getting properly lined up on entrance is a challenge. Consequently we were late getting to the Dentist. Then there was the challenge of getting out! Finally got it properly aligned and out. Getting back in was a little easier but not much. Then we decided to stop and get something to eat. Got to Applebees and could not get Darlene and the chair out!! Discusted we went home and after only a couple of tries got her out... go figure.
- Sep 29 - After the disaster yesterday, I went and got some Red and White Striped Duct Tape. Today I am going to put lines to follow when we are entering or exiting the Traverse. That was suggested by the BraunAbility people but we just hadn't gotten to it yet. Not true. I tried marking it with some Red Tape that didn't last past the first usage. Wasn't the correct tape. It was Stutco. Plus we hadn't cleaned off where we were sticking the tape. Will do that today.
- Sep 30 - Got Gas. Odometer 696 Miles Left 281
(696-547=149/9.94=14.99) Well now it appears that the middle grade did not help.
Some complaints:- Noisy: This stripped down to bare metal looses a lot of the sound proofing.
- Key FOB: Not recognizing the key FOB is getting very annoying.
- Park: Then there is the not coming out of Park. You must tap the gas and at first start up that can be hairy cause of high idle.
- The Ride: Not very comfortable when going over un-even road. It really rocks and rolls.
- No room: This Tank is lots bigger than my Blazer BUT we don't have any place to put anything. The console is sorely missed.
- Seat removal: It is NOT as convienent as demonstrated.
- Gas mileage: Didn't expect a brand new car to have such bad gas mileage.
- Cup Holders: What a joke. They hide under the armrests and my wife in her wheelchair doesn't have any.
- Armrests: The driver's does not fold up. Makes leaning over and getting something off the floor impossible. Also difficult assisting my lovely passenger.
- Oct 1 - Going back to TMJ today, with hopefully more success. I got the Red and White Duct tape and laid out a path for Darlene and I to follow. I put a line up the middle of the ramp and a line straight out from the docing station. She will be able to see going up the ramp and I will be able to see the line up from behind the chair when she is docking it. This should also help to see how straight it is when exiting. It gets stuck when it is twisted... which seems to happen a lot. This Docking Station was "supposed" to be easier!!
Taken from Traverse Forum
From what I can see...- they lift the whole vehicle about 5 inches NO!! It had 8" and after mods it has 6" ...Well another open mouth insert foot. They did lift it BUT they also lowered it. When compared to an unmodified Traverse you will see that the modified one sits higher off the wheel base.
- they cut out the floor and drop it about a foot from firewall to just under the front of the 3rd row seat
- they drop the engine so drivetrain stays in line NO!! front wheel drive is required to avoid this,
- a ramp is in floor, and out of the way
- the rear corner can kneel to lower the ramp angle
- the side door with the ramp is converted to a power sliding door
- both rear door are extended to be taller to cover the new opening space
- center console is removed from floor, and a much smaller one is attached to the dash for the shifter and controls
- each front seat gets installed on a base that brings them back up to regular height (including foot space)
- each front seat platform has a quick disconnect for wiring (power seats and airbags)
- each front seat platform has a quick release foot pedal that disconnects the seat from the floor and lowers wheels on it
- you just roll the seat down the ramp and out when not in use
- there are l-track mount points for standard wheelchair tie down available once the seat is out
It's pretty intense. But you could have a wheelchair driver, passenger, or in the left or right mid position. Or various combinations thereof. As long as not everyone was in a big heavy powerchair, I can see there being space for 4 wheelchairs, and still be able to put 3 kids in the back row bench. Not comfortably for a long trip, but still...
- Lowered Floor
- Wheelchair Restraint System
- Removable Front Seats
- Interior Switches/Controls
- Kneel System
- Remote access
- Power Side Doors
- Power Sliding Door
- Power In-Floor Ramp
- Remote Entry