
Setup Dusty-tr Linux Dusty-tr VMware WrkHrse Win98 WrkHrse Win2k Dars-PC WinXP Cat Win98
WebPages in my public_html in Lunix. Can see http://dusty-tr.trcomputing/~ctaylor/

Naturally can see files.
Can see http://dusty-tr.trcomputing/~ctaylor/

Can access Linux files on dusty-tr.
Can see http://dusty-tr.trcomputing/~ctaylor/

But can NOT access Linux files on dusty-tr. Password not recognized.
Can NOT see http://dusty-tr.trcomputing/~ctaylor/

But can access Linux files on dusty-tr.
Can see http://dusty-tr.trcomputing/~ctaylor/

But can NOT access Linux files on dusty-tr. Password not recognized.
Can see http://dusty-tr.trcomputing/~ctaylor/

But can NOT access Linux files on dusty-tr. Password not recognized.
Prior dates??? Password is set to PlainText in the Registry. Password is set to PlainText in the Registry. Password is set to PlainText in the Registry. Password is set to PlainText in the Registry.
ON 14 Feb 2004 Password settings changed to encrypted. Password settings changed to encrypted. Password settings changed to encrypted. Password settings changed to encrypted.
Now then, the above is an attempt to document some mistakes and correctness. Take it for what it is worth. It is the results of not knowing what you're doing and if you do, getting sidetracked and forgetting what was done. It is not stupidity or dumbness, it is investigating and experimenting.

Copyright © 2004-2004 Chuck Taylor. All rights reserved.