When involved with a client's Windows Network I had to work with another machine that was setup
using RedHat
WinXP and RedHat Networking
- Create User and Passwd on WinXP.
- Create same User and Passwd on Linux.
Command Notes
- Check for a users.map file on Linux.
- Create a group with same name as username on Linux.
Command Notes
- Setup owner only privileges on user's dir in Linux.
- Set IP address, Subnet mask and Default Gateway on WinXp.
- Set Preferred and Alternate DNS on WinXP.
- Both of the above should match on Linux.
- Need proper hostname on both Linux and WinXP and they are not the same!
- Both must be in the same domain or workgroup.
- ** Change passwd on WinXP to plain text.
- Make sure the smb.conf is setup properly on Linux.
- Make sure smbd and nmbd are running on Linux.
- Now my home dir on Linux is \\dars-pc\home\chucktr, but when I map it to a drive
on WinXp it only shows \\dars-pc\chucktr.
- When you finally want to connect to the Linux Machine from the WinXP machine, even
though when it asks for a passwd and you only see Hostname/guest, enter the proper
passwd for this user and it will connect!!!