SysConfig - Relocated Variables
Almost all rc.config variables have been moved to the /etc/sysconfig hierarchy.
However, several variables cannot be found in the mentioned files. Things changed after the
manual went to press. (This started with version 8.0)
If you cannot find a specific variable (e.g., KBD_NUMLOCK), search for the right file with the command:
find /etc/sysconfig -type f | xargs grep KBD_NUMLOCK
If you do not find anything, try with a substring. For example, instead of POSTFIX_NULLCLIENT use only:
find /etc/sysconfig -type f | xargs grep NULL
Till they change their site more info can be found here: SuSE 9.1 FAQs
VMware Config Notes
When setting up your configuration exercise caution when answering the
questions. One of the questions:
Do you want this script to automatically configure your system to allow your
Virtual Machines to access the host's filesystem? (yes/no/help) [no]
If you are already using Samba in Linux, then the answer to this question is NO. If you answer
yes, then it will setup a VMware version of Samba and there will be a conflict. Also, when you
set up the Networking in your Windows section, do not use anything Windows oriented.
The other questions involve Host-only and Bridged Networking.
Bridged networking
A bridged virtual machine may transparently use any of the services available on the network that it is bridged to: printers, file servers, gateways, etc. Likewise, when a virtual machine is bridged, any physical host -- or other virtual machine configured as bridged -- can use resources on that virtual machine. This is the most commonly used networking configuration.
If you use bridged networking, the virtual machine is a full participant in the network. It has access to other machines on the network and can be contacted by other machines on the network as if it were a physical computer on the network. As I've stated elsewhere, it is one of the ways I check out some my Networking using only one machine. Each virtual machine must have its own IP address. Which is separate and different from the host machine it is installed on.
Host-only networking
Host-only networking creates a network that is completely contained within the host computer. Host-only networking provides a network connection between the virtual machine and the host computer, using a virtual Ethernet adapter that is visible to the host operating system. This approach can be useful if you need to set up an isolated virtual network.
If you use host-only networking, your virtual machine and the host virtual adapter are connected to a private TCP/IP network. Addresses on this network are provided by the VMware DHCP server.
In my Network setup I am using both the Host-only and Bridged Networking.
VMware 3.2 Support
VMware Bridged
VMware Host-only
NAT - Network Address Translation