Allllrighty now. Here we are in the section of most interest to us at
this time... our own installations. In other words, the programs that we want on this Laptop.
- Firefox 8 - 17 Dec 11/1:41pm -
They just released this version. The install was fairly simple.
Just download the appropriate file from Mozilla and click on it. Follow the
directions and then use it. We will want to copy our Bookmarks over from
the Desktop Machine.
- Thunderbird 8 - 17 Dec 11/1:45pm -
This is the latest. It has been installed -but- not setup ... yet.
- Foxit 5.1 - 17 Dec 11/1:52pm - Adobe Acrobat replacement.
- Internet Explorer is at Version 7. We will update to the latest.
Well, maybe. Updating so the we could use IE9 was what brought us
troubles the last time. We are going to slowly Update and see where it messes up the system. -Or Not-.
We don't use IE so why should we care what version is installed.
for now we will leave it and try to start using this Laptop.
- Starter Setup - 16 Dec 11/5:47am Allows you
to look at your startups and control them. More user friendly than msconfig.
Updates -- Including SP2 and IE9
Did we ever mention how much we hate updates???)
Anyway, a word of caution --- which we are sure you have heard many, many times. Do NOT do
these updates on Battery Power. Especially this machine. It's fully charged battery will only
last about an hour and a half... or less.
17 Dec 11/2:05pm
Re-Load - As of this time we DO NOT have and WILL NOT install SP2. We will get updates
as they are needed. IF it ain't broke, don't fix it. IE9
which is mentioned next can wait.
Internet Explorer One of the items that will
be updated almost immediately. This came with IE7 and we
do believe that they are up to IE10
now... or are working on it.(
Yep. They are creating IE10 -but- it won't work on Vista!!)
Ok we will get IE9 which was released to the public on March 14, 2011 at 21:00 PDT.
Well, we went to the MS Site to download IE9 and got greeted with the following:
Looking for Internet Explorer 9?
To get our latest browser, you need to be running
Windows Vista or
Windows 7.
So, we'll use our LAN connection on the Laptop. Now this will get real interesting. Even though
it is listed above,
Firefox has
NOT been installed yet. So, we will be using
IE7 to update itself
which is probably how it should be anyway.
Hmmmmmm... Well, all it did was download it?!?? I do believe that this is a CYA move. It
checks what System you are on and then offers that version of
IE9. So, this way you are sure
to get the proper one. Not a bad concept.
We, I, updated my sister's Laptop from IE7 to IE9 and it was NOT fun.
Primarily cause the connection she had at the time was 'phone DSL'! Talk about a time comsuming
project. Guess we will now get to see the difference.
Alllrighty now. We clicked on the downloaded file
and got greeted with a "Service Pack is not supported". Well, that figures. Three, almost
four, years have past since this machine was created. Lots of things have changed since then. So, we
guess the FIRST thing to do is get all the Service Packs. Think that IE9 is in there somewhere anywho.
Service Packs At present we have "Service Pack 1"
installed. This was by default with the Recovery Discs. Thought about it and thought about it. After
all this thought it was decided to .... enable Auto Updates long enough to get the latest. (
Did I mention how much we hate Updates???)
Anywho, after this extensive update session ... and the Laptop survives ... we will get back to our
setups and installs. 12 Dec 11 -- Took 35 minutes to Download 122 updates. Now it is installing the
updates. ARRRGGHHH...!! I see it installing Internet Explorer 8!!
Boy... that'll be something if later we see it install Internet Explorer 9.?.!
like we were hoping on in the first place. Ooooops... Big Oooops. Another one of those "windows"
hiding behind others. We thought the IE8 was taking a long, long time to install.
Well, it wasn't. A response window was hiding behind the main one... with a question... "Do you want
to Install IE8??" Just waiting for us to answer... we said NO. Got things going again -but- if you
are reading this ... BE AWARE that some windows demanding attention ... hide. Watch your TaskBar closely...
especially when you think something should be happening -- and it isn't.
Well, it finally got through it and proceeded to ShutDown... and it stayed there.
Just stayed on the ShutDown screen. Then all of a sudden it went Black ... actually a Dark Grey. And there it
stayed... and stayed... and stayed. Well, you get the picture. Eventually we pressed to OFF button and
then went to work.
After work and upon arrival at the home front we applied power. There was a lot of
disc activity and we got the Microsoft screen with its progress bar... for longer than we should have.. and
then the screen went black. But we still had disc activity. Then we got a screen stating that it was in Phase 3.
After that finished we went back to a black screen ... with disc activity. And that is where we are now. I am
going to get something to eat and drink whilst this is making up its mind on what it is gona do. 12:03am and
the disc light is flashing... screen is black. 12:11am hit the shift key and our black screen became the
SignOn Screen. Entered our password and hit ENTER. Viola!! We have a Desktop with a Dialog that says:
Windows Vista Service Pack 2 is now installed
We just sat there and looked at it for a while... munching on Fritos and sipping our ScrewDriver. It's been
a long day.
Ok. After all that we still have IE7. We really
thought that the Service Pack would install it. Nope. So we are gona have to do it ourselves... which is what
started all this updating in the first place.!.! We'll click on IE9-WindowsVista-x86-enu
again. Hmmmm... how-a-bout that. First
thing it does is "Install the required updates"!!! And it appears to be a lot. Well, they must have been
for IE9 also cause now we have a Dialog that says:
Internet Explorer 9 is now installed
And it wants us to Restart. So we will. A little long in the LogOff and then we get a screen with
the message:
Configuring updates: Stage 1 of 3
Which becomes "2 of 3" and sits there... and sits there... Well, other than go to bed and check it in the morning.
Hmmmmm... that last sentence didn't make a lot of sense, did it?? Well, that is the
way most of yesterday went. What we were trying to say was; "Ok. We'll get some sleep whilst it finishes
whatever it is it is doing." Now then, here it is the next morning and the Laptop is sitting there... OFF.
Reason?? We in our -Brilliance- had turned off the little Power Strip -and- forgot to turn it back on. The Battery
will only last for about an Hour and a Half. It has been over 5 hours!! Ok. Let's hope that it finished what it
was doing before the Power died. According to what we have seen on the Web... it's a 50/50 chance. Actually, probably
a 70/30 chance that it didn't finish.
First we will turn on the Power Strip, let it sit and charge the Battery for a bit
and then we will turn it on. Actually, (that word again)
actually, we are going to have to take our dog for her walk and then go to the Dentist for a root canal. So, we
will leave things as they are till we get back from the Dentist. No sense in being miserable about two things.
Power on after Dentist (
which was a good trip by the way). Gives a time count down till Windows Resumes. We let it.
Got a Dialog in upper left corner saying Personal Settings. Still had disc activity... so waited. Got the SignOn
screen and signed on. Did its things and then got the Normal Desktop. May have missed a couple of things but that
was the general gist of things. The main thing is; we got back to our Normal Desktop and all "looks" well.
Alllrighty now. We have the Welcome Screen come up and one of the items you can
select is "View computer details". We selected it and it listed, among other things, Service Pack 2.
Closed out the Welcome Screen and selected Internet Explorer from the Start Menu. IE9
came up. It had a question box and we, at this time, selected "Ask me later". Want to investigate
things before selecting any 'defaults'. -But- the big thing is IE9 got installed
even though we sorta blew it. Ok, after closing the questionnaire we got a change in the IE9
screen. It went from a default WebPage to a Meet your new browser page.
Meet IE9.
Vista-SP2 and
Information about Service Pack 2