Welcome to Our Windows 10 Website!
May 5th, 2019 Updated Laptop to 1903. Had a scare at first boot. No Network!! But it eventually came in. M$ didn't mess up my Bridging in the Network this time. I have said many times that I run a "LinWin System" via VMware but now M$ is putting in WSL, a Windows Subsystem for Linux. Don't know whether that is going to help or hurt my operations. Time will tell.
Refer: Enemies No More
February 7th, 2019 Well, I finally got my UpDates on Windows 10 in my VMware on my Main machine. Ver 1803 build 17134.1 In order to get this I had to go all the way back to version 1607. Then UpDate from there a couple of times. Not exactly sure how I did it but it is done. Problem is... I have to reload some of my software. I, like a lot of others was fighting "failure" after "failure" in the 1709 to 1803 UpDate... since the October timeframe. Biggest problem?? It continually UpDated my system, whether I wanted it or not, and "Broke" my Bridged Networking... even though it didn't accomplish the UpDate!! This latest accomplishment had evidentally gotten "ALL" the most recent and correct code cause my Bridging is working. Hey, hey...hey. In just over an hour it went from build 17134.1 to build 17134.523!! AND Bridged Networking is still ok.
November 1st, 2018 Was gonna make a separate section for "UpDates" -but- as I read over this... the whole thing is UpDates already!! Matter of fact a recent announcement by Microsoft states that there will never be another "New Version" of Windows.... Just UpDates.
Speaking of which, just got a couple of UpDates on both my Laptop -and- this one in my VMware on my HP i7-2. The interesting part is the Desktop Backgrounds. On the Laptop they replaced the one I had there originally with some Windows background and on the HP i7-2 they put in the background that was originally on my Laptop!! It is called "grow.jpg" and it looks like a little kids drawing. It was the default on my Laptop when I got it and I liked it. But on the HP i7-2 it was 'never' there. Strange things happen in this computer world. I re-installed in on the Laptop and left it on the HP i7-2.
May 14th, 2018 Ok,
Windows 10 gets a reprieve. I found a setup that will let me ignore the UpDates, temporarily. It is:
How to Temporarily Prevent Updates
To run the troubleshooter, open wushowhide.diagcab, select Next, and then follow the instructions in the troubleshooter
to hide the problematic driver or update.
May 19th, 2018 �
A little more on the problems. I was getting "hangups" or "lockups", depending on how you want to describe them.
-But- what was happening was the SAME thing that happened to me back in my
SuSE 12.3
and SuSE 13.2
days. The nmi_watchdog interrupt was causing problems and we had to disable it in grub.
October 25th, 2013 / 12:46am
Ok, we are back at it after work. This time
we are using the Win2K path. Same inside, inside bla, bla. This time the
'Lord' showed us another
"fix". The 3D Accelerator was just to show us that there is hope and the problem can be fixed. This one is down in
To disable the nmi_watchdog interrupt.
cat /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog (to check if it is set)
echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog (to disable it, if it is)
cat /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog (to confirm the change)
Refer: Geek 2.0 and
Linux NMIs on Intel 64-bit Hardware
Now then, there are some who will worry about this change. Actually, the only ones who should worry about it are the kernel developers
and maintainers. IF your System is working fine, other than these "Freeze/Lockups" then there 'shouldn't be any worries. It
appears that this particular NMI, the nmi_watchdog, is causing more harm than good. You could also write a script that disabled the
nmi_watchdog before starting VMware and then re-enabling it
after exiting VMware.
Now the proof is in the pudding. We got some false hopes over a couple of the previous fixes, which lead to sadness. This
"fix" may lead to Re-activating the 3D Acceleration in VMware.
-But- that needs to be tested first. BUT first we see how long this 'fix' can keep us going. So far it is a 'temporary' fix using
the instructions above. Cause at next ReBoot of the System it, the nmi_watchdog, will be Re-Enabled.
So, we need to make choices here... Permanent -or- Temporary.??
We are gona be daring and make it Permanent. This accomplished by placing:
on the Command Line in the Boot Loader. The following is performed as 'root'.
- Edit /etc/default/grub and add nmi_watchdog=0
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="nomodeset nmi_watchdog=0"
We had already edited this for the nomodeset now we add the other. Update: "nomodeset" is not needed unless you have an nVidia card. And maybe not now. This was a few years back. - Execute:
/usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg - Execute:
grub2-install /dev/sda
ReBoot and enjoy....
May 12th, 2018 Well, I tried using the WYSIWYG editors and they messed up my code... one way or another. Homesite is the only one that lets me do it "My Way". DreamWeaver is starting to come in second. Quanta is leading the way in Linux.
But we have a problem with the differences in the "dynamic wrap". What brought all this up was/is another
Windows 10 UpDate!! I thought that I had the "Settings" set to ignore those. Well, as usual Microsoft does NOT follow the rules. They are worse than me!!
So here I am in Quanta editing this Windows 10 page cause my Windows 10 is finishing an UpDate and I can't use my Homesite!!
March 11th, 2018 Windows 10!!! I am beginning to dislike it very much. All these UpDates are messing up my systems. Especially the Bridged Networking. I have both a Windows 7 and a Windows 10 Virtual Machine. I can get connected with my Win 7 but not with my Win 10 -- on the same machine!! Annnnddd... the latest UpDates have hosed my Laptop!! It tried several times on its own to UpDate -- and it could not so it removed the UpDates. Now I have a Desktop without the cute background and a Non-Funtioning Windows 10 orb. When I click on it, right or left click, it does nothing. Like I never touched it. Shutdowns are a nightmare. In fact my latest shutdown was done via a power off.
Fix Configuring Windows UpDates STOP Windows UpDates
Now then, in order to get back to a "working" Windows 10 I had to dump my current Virtual Machine and Re-Install the back-up that I had made. With these "Virtual Machines" you can save the whole system and later Re-Install it to take care of a problem. Like the one I just had. Now after installing it I quickly turned off the UpDates -BUT- I got one anyway!! The fall Creation. Well, it didn't mess up my Networking but I turned off the UpDates.. again. Yeah I know, half, or more, of you reading this are possibly saying how stupid. And some of the others are saying that's what you did. And others are just scratching their heads. Any way you look at it I just want a working system. My "main" reason for wanting Windows anyway is Homesite. Yes, I am still using this antiquated editor and I will probably still be using it for years to come.
Bridged Networking... Make sure file sharing is turned on... AFTER the disabling of UpDates.
Windows 10... it is to be released July 29th, 2015 but you can get a working copy now... for FREE... IF you have Windows 8.1 -or- Windows 7 SP 1. Actually, that is to be the case for the next year!! I applied, and qualified for it on my Windows 7 LapTop. We installed it on the 4th of July, 2015.
July 9th, 2016 / 9:42pm Got Windows 10 installed on my HP i7-1. I had been delaying it cause I was afraid it would mess up my Linux in the other half. But it didn't. Guess I waited long enough and they got it all straight.
August 9th, 2016 / 12:27am Had tried the Aniversary Update on the 2nd and 3rd -but- did not work. Got 0x80070057 error. Could not get a proper fix for it. Some individuals played some games with the connections and other stuff to get it to work -but- I figured IF they were real then Microsoft would fix them. Looks like they did. -OR- I found a new game to play. When it got to the 2% on install I clicked on the desktop and then on the install window and bounced back and forth. It stayed on 2% for quite a while but it finally increased and is now installing.
Alllllrighty now.... we were successful... or so it seems. Said it had to restart in order to finish and that is what it is doing now. Looks like we have a success finally. Well, this restart is taking a long, long time. Ummmmmm.... I left for a minute and came back to see my Linux log on screen. Ooooppps... I have a dual boot system -and- they said the computer would restart several times. I was trying to stay by it but I got sidetracked by my wife. Missed the reboot. May be missing one now whilst I am typing this on my other machine. Two machines... one display... one keyboard. Nope, and it is up to 35% on this second ReStart. Got our 3rd restart at 75%. Hopefully your Hard Disk is in good shape cause the disk lite is on almost contiunously. 1:14am upd to 83%.
100% at 1:21am. 1:23am Sign On ... then Getting Ready.
1:26am ... Fini. However, the disk lite was on for some time afterwards. Think it was doing something, At 1:31am we are quiet.
-AND- again we have a FULL success that looks like nothing happened. I will leave that machine, the i7-1, booted up in Windows 10 for now to see how we can do. I have three(3) other machines to UpDate yet and two Virtuals. Will be interesting...
September 23rd, 2016 /8:46pm Well, now over the past week I have noticed some peculiarities here in Homesite... on my i7-2. This is the newest one and we are running Homesite inside Windows 10 inside VMware inside openSuSE Leap 42.1. What is peculiar is... some of my snippets have been marked 'Read Only'. The snippet symbol which is a 'page icon' with a pair of greater than and less than symbols in the lower right corner. For these 'Read Only' they have become red.
Oh now this is interesting. A couple of hours after writing the above and getting "Linux" updates I don't have those readonly marks in my snippets. Don't know of any "Windows" updates during this same time. I just checked and, NO, we are still on 1511. I am trying to get the latest UpDate on my LapTop which is suppoed to be in the "Windows Insider". We'll see...
September 25th, 2016 Having problems with my Laptop AFTER the latest UpDate. This is something that I found whilst looking for fixes:
Here is the official Microsoft answer about installing a new hard drive for your Windows 10 PC:
Suppose I need to reinstall Windows 10 after one or two years from now or I install a new hard disk?
Windows 10 is registered to the device, not your hard disk. Just install a new hard disk and reinstall Windows 10 and it will reactivate automatically.
Hope this helps everyone.
Because.... I think I may have to FULLY recover my Laptop!! This latest Windows 10 fiasco makes me not trust it.
October 16th, 2016 Yep!!! I had to ReInstall Windows 7 and then ReInstall Windows 10. See notes below...
July 14th, 2017/9:32am Well about an hour ago I got the "Creator's UpDate". Something that Microsoft has been talking about for a few weeks. Need to investigate further just what it is -but- we accepted it. As it was installing we looked via our LapTop on the Net to see what it is. Much to our chagrin, we saw a number of complaints and failures. However, we did not experience any problems... yet.