April 17th, 2019 This has a report
of some actual Huskies hating their harnesses:
Huskies Hate Harness
October 2nd, 2018
Well, guess what?? I am at it again. I lied down below when I said I wouldn't do it again. This time I am trying a Step in
Harness from Walmart.
Vibrant Life Dog Harness, Camo, Large $11.88:
- Plastic buckle with side release clasps
- Step-in
- D-ring for easy and secure leash attachment
- Adjustable
- Size Large- ideal for dogs with a chest girth of 22-36 inches
- Great for hunting
Course we bring it home and can not get him to step into it!! I was wondering about
that aspect of the game. But this was my first try. I need a couple more days/trys before I return it. If they will let me.
September 1st, 2018
One more time on the Harnesses. I found one that doesn't have to go over his head and it looks good. One of the
reviewers claimed that her Husky didn't escape out of it. We will see. I'm not getting all excited and writing up a lot of stuff
...yet, cause I have been disappointed before. -BUT- the main reason I am back on the Harness kick is... my dog was hooked up on a
cheap long line and he bolted out and across the street to visit another dog. Fortunately there were not any cars -and- the cheap line
broke and not his neck!! He was wearing his Martingale Collar.
Well, this was absolutely the last time on Harnesses. He gets that puff ball hackle from excitement and ALL of the Harnesses cover it.
Refer: PoyPet No Pull Dog Harness
BronzeDog Check Cord 30ft
Braided Nylon Rope
September 21st, 2019
They turned off the lights!! We walk our dogs at 4:30am. It is dark at that time and getting darker towards, and including the
winter months. Whilst walking the dogs they usually, and that is one of the purposes of walking them, defecate. In the park
we are required to "clean up" after our dogs. Hat lights, and the overhead park lights, allowed this activity. BUT without
the overhead lights, and my Dakotah and his friend,
Kiko being black in color, makes it difficult to
keep track of where they are when they dump. Therefore, I purchased an LED
collar for my Dakotah. A
Blazin' Safety LED Dog Collar .
It arrives next week. Not only
will it help me keep track of his restroom activities but will also keep him visible to the "Hot Rodders".
September 26th, 2019 Well, it arrived today. The lighted collar. I gave it a try this evening and was disappointed. I don't believe that it lived up to the hype of 350 yards viewing. My Dakotah, Husky from the neck back, has long hair. The collar lights can be see from the side but not from the rear or the front. I was using the steady on mode and will try the blink mode in the morning. Other problem is... just how dark do the makers of this light expect it to be. I was out when it was dark, dark, but there was ambient light from the housing. Once again, I will test more tomorrow. Oh yeah, I charged it after the walk. Kept it plugged in until the light went off. So it should have enough power.
Ooooops... testing is delayed by rain. Yes, we do get that once in a while here in Arizona.
October 1st, 2019
Yeah, days later but, we have been using the LED collar and it is good. Once again I will have to say, not as good as they say. But I don't
want a flashing Neon sign on him either.
And I wanted to reference one of the Blog's that I visit. They also chose this collar:
September 5th, 2018 / 3:48pm The PoyPet Harness and the
Check Cord arrived today and once again my Dakotah almost
put it on. I took it out of the package and was holding it and he came over and stuck his head in it!! He then laid down and I
laid it on him and there were NO complaints. I have made some preliminary adjustments using a flexible tape measure. It is not
time for our evening walk yet. It is still rather "warm"...102°.
Later: Well the walk time came and I put the Harness on him with no complaints. Then
we went for our walk over to the park. On the way back we ran into Susan and Sundance.
Talked for a bit and was gona walk down to her house -but- my
Dakotah did not want to. So we went home.
At home the Harness was removed and placed on the table.
Next Day Morning arrived and it was
time to go for the morning walk. I reached for the Harness and my Dakotah
ran!! He would NOT let me put it on him again! This kinda prooves my theory that "Crushing" his hackles is what he doesn't like
and it is NOT the over the head fear. His, and other dogs, hair raises from arousal. This is mediated by several different neural systems and
not just from anger or fight mode. It can also be triggered by happiness and excitement. The meeting with a friend last evening, while he was wearing
his new Harness, was evidently enough to cause uncomfort and we wear the Harness no more. This time I was able to return it for a partial refund. It is
also the LAST time I will try to put a Harness on my Puppy!!
May 24th, 2018:UpDate
Well, we are looking at Harnesses again. I still believe that they are better -but- IF your dog won't wear one then what do you do?? Anywho,
I am still working on "My Theory" that the Harness top is smothering his "Hackels". A neighbor got a German Shepherd last
year and the dog is a year old now. The neighbor had him over at the park, with a Harness an it was just what I was looking for... I think.
It doesn't have the large pad on the top and I believe that my Dakotah
might tolerate it better. Walmart sells it so I should be able to get it locally and IF it doesn't work out I could return it.
Sporn Ultimate Control Harness™ (Dual Buckle Design) and
Sporn® Non-Pull Mesh Harness™ Husky Squad Discussion
Now then, I have listed two types from Sporn. The first one has a narrow strap between the neck and the girth. The second one doesn't. However, the second one is a step in and I am not so sure that my Dakotah would like that. The first one appears to be like the Ruffwear one, you wrap the girth strap around on both sides and clip it. Course they both go over the head so they may be 'mox nix' anyway.
Talked about Harnesses previously... and whilst Dakotah
was still a little puppy I purchased one of those "Freedom No Pull Harnesses".
(April 24th, 2015)
I used it a few times but I was not
particularly happy with it -and- neither was my puppy. He started refusing to wear the Freddom Harness.(
Now on the third outing he is refusing to wear the Ruffwear one!!)
So I set the Freedom Harness aside and then when I wanted to try again... he had out grown it! So I waited again. He is now
29 weeks old, which is almost 7 months. September 24th will be his official 7 month birthday.
Update: Ok, my wife enlarged the "Freedom Harness" by sewing his previous puppy collar into it,
and we got it on him... one time. But now, September 29th, 2015, he will NOT wear either!!!
Long Line and Harness
Rededit - Submissive Behavior
October 23rd, 2017
I had this lower in the page but moved it up to here because it makes
more sense to get right to the subject. I have had my "Puppy" for over 2½ years -and- he will NOT wear the Harness. Like I said
elsewhere, he almost put it on himself when I first got it. BUT he slowly started resisting when I tried to put it on him until he finally will
run and hide if I even pick it up. The one and only, no the two and only, reasons that I can suspect that he does not want it on are; Number one:
I have to much control when he is wearing the Harnes, and Number two: The 'Body Sensitivity' described below.
I will probably continue to experiment with ways to get him to wear it "Without" making him afraid, or untrusting, of me. I have
seen many forms of trickery described in order to get the Harness on a dog but I really don't want to do that. Why am I pursuing this?? Because
I belive Harnesses are better for the dog's health and well being. Annnddd... I like to leash hookup on the back where is won't
get mixed up in his legs. Collars don't stay on top and the leash falls down in front and trips him. And I think that he looks good in it.
December 7th, 2017
My "Puppy" is now 2 years and 9 months old -AND- just last evening I finally figured
out just what is his problem with the Harness!! It is smashing his Hackles!! I can not believe that I have been so ignorant. Well, yes I can.
I accidently caused the burning of my previous dog's feet by walking on a black topped parking lot. But this, this with the harness never even
entered my mind that his hackles would be the problem -BUT- it makes sense and I hope IF you are reading this that you check out your dog's
possible resistance for the same reason. When my Dakotah
raises his, it is a big puffball behind his head and then along his back. It is really pretty. I have been trying to be in the correct position
to get a picture of it, and now I will concentrate on it more so I can include one here. Just became an important picture to get! Duhhhh... IF
I had paid attention to the reference I have below on
'body sensitivity'
MAYBE I would have thought of it sooner. -But- I was thinking that the possible problem was the
strap across and underneath his chest and behind his legs. I was trying to make sure that it was not rubbing. I admit it. I was just dumb but I
hope this helps someone else and the poor dog suffering.
Is it harmful to attach a leash to your dog's neck?
Yes, some dogs simply hate harnesses whatever you do and however carefully you introduce it.
Guide Dogs call it 'body sensitive' .
And another reference to the subject of sensitivity: Dog Handling
As you can imagine they introduce their harnesses with great care, but there are one or two dogs every year who never take to it and get
withdrawn for this reason.
October 28th, 2017
Another UpDate and this one is the best. An actual video of the problem I am having -and- a way to cure it... hopefully. Search long enough and
you can find the answers. My 'Puppy' could fill in for the other dog. The first part of the video shows the same scenarios that I have
experienced with my Dakotah
Introducing your dog to a chest harness - from fear to enjoyment
My Dakotah
just does NOT like a Harness!!!
July 17th, 2017 Well I found this:
Dr. Michele Wan
Yes, it is quite possible that your dog doesn't like the strap going over his head. We see that a lot with dogs. You might be able to find a
different type of harness that doesn't involve putting the strap over his head, or you could try offering him a treat for putting his head
through the loop. -- This is what I said further down.
May 2nd, 2017 - My last attempt at the Harness
I really want to get my
Dakotah to wear his
Harness. For all the right and wrong reasons. I found some info recently on the Web that I want to try.
IF this
fails then I will have to admit failure donate the Harness to a shelter and just continue choking him with a collar!! Not really
on that last part but at times that is the way it seems... and probably is.
Best Answer:
You can try to get her used to the harness and use positive reinforcement which will hopefully make her feel neutral about it,
making it easy for you to put it on.
This is what I would do. Sometime when you have a lot of free time in a day, on a weekend or something, start a mini training
session. Put the harness on the floor somewhere, then using pieces of dry food (or little bits of cookie bones if you don't use
dry food) ask her to sit next to the harness, lay down, give paw... whatever commands she knows and give lots of praise. Staying
calm and positive is very key, dogs pick up if you're feeling anxious!
After a few commands, if she's doing well, try putting the harness over her head. Not even putting it on correctly, just draping
it on her and do some more "sit" commands, rewarding with food to calm her down.
If she gets anxious when you add the harness, just be patient + don't try to force it. Eventually you should be able to put the
harness on the correct way. Try having her wear it around the house for a while (an hour'ish) then go for a walk outside.
It may take days for it to work, but pe patient! From:
October 17th, 2017 From:
Dog Forum
But I wanted to comment on her fear of the harness. Are you able to say exactly which one it is, as there are quite a few "sensation"
harnesses on the market? I suspect that,
although it may not seem tight to you when fitted normally,
it is obviously designed to close down or
tighten when she pulls. Where the pressure is applied on her body depends on the harness......some squeeze the chest, some the throat, some
under the elbows, and so on.
It may be that Zoe is
not equating the unpleasant, and very possibly painful, squeezing sensation directly with her action of pulling, but simply
with wearing the harness itself. When the harness brings its pressure points into action, it could be chafing, pinching, or snagging on her coat.
I found this description of another dog that fits mine to a tee... and some others.
Shiba Inu
So my dog hates his harness. Or more specifically, he doesn't want it put on him - once it's on he's fine and happy.
Basically, when I figure it's time to go for a walk, I go get harness & leash. Dog realizes this and goes and positions
himself around the other side of the dining room table where he's figured out it's easy to avoid me by just keeping the table
between us. He won't listen to sit commands, stay commands or anything else - it's basically an attempt to keep as far away
from me as possible.
Eventually, I manage to herd him somewhere where I can get ahold of him and put the harness on him (it's
an Easy-Walk a
RuffWear harness by the
way). He turns his head to avoid it, but eventually I get the harness on. He then goes over to the door where he's willing to
wait/sit etc. for me to attach the leash so we can go out.
This is really annoying. I thought dogs were supposed to be doing back flips out of excitement when it was time for a walk.
We introduced the harness with lots of treats. We treat him when the harness gets put on. He doesn't ever go outside without
the harness, so you'd figure I've covered all the positive reinforcement bases for this thing. Yet he tries to avoid it whenever
it comes out. And, once it's on - all is well.
Any suggestions on how to fix this neurosis?
We are very, very careful how we introduce the puppy jackets. Our supervisor does the first fitting and after that the dog wears it only
at meal times for a week or more. Then they wear it only in very quiet areas they know well. If an adverse thing happens in the early days
they can associate the two and 'blame' the jacket. Once they are used to the jacket/harness this no longer happens.
But body sensitive dogs don't take to the harness even with all these careful steps.
Labrador Forum
Borzois also boast having a high body sensitivity which means they are ultra-aware of touch as well as pain and discomfort they may be
feeling. This is a two edged sword because if accidentally knocked into, a Borzoi may well whelp even though the knock was only very slight.
However, their body sensitivity means they can be easier to control when they are put on a lead, although great care has to be taken when
correcting them. It also means for such large dogs, the Borzoi tends to be extremely cautious around the home, being extra careful not to
knock into things. These dogs also have very long memories and if they experience a bad experience, they are very likely to remember it for
an extremely long time.
Borzoi Body Sensitivity
Anywho, I had a few instances in the morning and evening walks that really bothered
me concerning his pulling and his neck. So, two days ago(Sunday September 13th),
I ordered a RuffWear Harness. Got a good deal from:
Only Natural Pet .
They appear to be a good company and reasonable in pricing. The Harness is supposed to be here in 3 to 7 days -but- it is being
drop shipped from the manufacturer, which I thought was located in Vietnam, but turns out to be in Oregon.
(Ruffwear's address is 2843 NW Lolo Drive, Bend, Oregon 97701, USA.)
So it might make it
by this Friday. Because of the cost, $39.99, I will train him to wear it. We won't go for walks unless he does... and that part is for
his health. IF he pulls there will be no more choking and coughing and hacking.
Note: It arrived on Thursday... and I got 15% off with free
shipping for a first time order.
The previous Harness appeared to be rubbing his armpits and the front attachment
just twisted off center. Possibly my fault -but- I could not get it to function properly. So this time I decided to get a padded
Harness. I searched the Web and this one seemed to be the most acceptable for mine -and- my puppy's needs. I will have more to say
after I receive it and try it.
How to put on a dog harness
June 23rd, 2016 The Martingale Collar:
The above discussion box talks about problems with wearing a harness. As I stated there, the author's description fit my situation to
the tee. HOWEVER, during the time from then, till now, I think I found out what the "Real" Problem is... my
Dakotah doesn't like things pulled, or put on, over his
head! How did I find that out?? He backed out of his current collar and I tried to slip it over his head. He fought that just like he
did with the Harness. I had to unbuckle the collar and then slip it on around his neck and he was ok with that. So getting this new
Martingale collar on will be a challenge. It has been recomended to NOT leave it on unattended or use as a tie out. I do neither and he is
always with us in the house. So it will be a replacement for his other collar. I can see the reason for NOT using it as a tie out. It
would be constantly tightening around his neck,
IF you used the chain connection, and probably to loose
IF you used the other connect point.
Martingale collars feature a simple design, but they offer numerous advantages over standard collars when it
comes to your keeping your dog under control and behaving properly on walks. Course this is opinionated... like everything else.
Now then, all my agreeing and harping on no collars versus harnesses is out the window.
IF you can not get the harness on...
then it is meaningless. I will try again, but later. Maybe this fall
has exited his "Teenage Hood" and it is cooler. I am getting this collar, partly, cause of the back outs -and- for the training aspect. Also because it is
Ruffwear" and I have become partial to it
(just like I like
HP )).
Probably cause of the name -but- from my Web Re-Search
Ruffwear has a good reputation.
Martingale description from:
Melly Collars
It is a shame that we have to tie up and cage these animals anyway. Soon we won't have to. The
Lord is returning and the lion will lay
down with the lamb. I believe that means we will be able to let our dogs run free just like the cats do now.
Thursday October 13th, 2016 / 11:25am Whilst looking for reasons, and cures,
of Harness Hating, I found the following on Yahoo :
Yahoo Best Answer:
You can try to get her used to the harness and use positive reinforcement which will hopefully make her feel neutral about it, making it easy for you to put it on.
This is what I would do. Sometime when you have a lot of free time in a day, on a weekend or something, start a mini training session. Put the harness on the floor somewhere, then using pieces of dry food (or little bits of cookie bones if you don't use dry food) ask her to sit next to the harness, lay down, give paw... whatever commands she knows and give lots of praise. Staying calm and positive is very key, dogs pick up if you're feeling anxious!
After a few commands, if she's doing well, try putting the harness over her head. Not even putting it on correctly, just draping it on her and do some more "sit" commands, rewarding with food to calm her down.
If she gets anxious when you add the harness, just be patient + don't try to force it. Eventually you should be able to put the harness on the correct way. Try having her wear it around the house for a while (an hour'ish) then go for a walk outside.
It may take days for it to work, but pe patient!
So, today I took the Harness off the coat/hat rack and placed on the back of my computer chair. I will pick it off the chair and
dangle it close to him and just mess around with it numerous times of the day. My PC chair is right on the way to the back yard where
I am presently doing lots of yard work. We shall see.... (October 13th, 2016)
Nope!! He wants nothing to do with the Harness. No matter what I do he doesn't want to wear it. He is walking better on just the collar
and leash so I will forget the Harness. He is just NOT a Harness wearing dog.(October 15th, 2016)
Thursday September 17th, 2015
It, the Harness, arrived today whilst I was at work. I was excited. It was shipped in a plastic shiping bag. I had to cut it open... carefully.
The only things in the bag were the Harness and the Packing slip. I looked at the Harness and decided, that the way it arrived, that
it would be to small. I adjusted it using a soft sewing measuring tape around the inside of the Harness.
Now came the ultimate test... putting it on the dog. Well, all my worries were for
naught. He almost put himself in it!! He did not run from me or shy away. He smelled it, investegated it and tried to put it on by
sticking his head in it. Course it wasn't positioned right -but- just the idea that he was not afraid of it was great. Because of my
experience with the last Harness I expected to have trouble with this one. Not so. After getting it on him, my wife helped me to make
some more adjustments for a proper fit. Then we went for our first Harness walk. He did very well and in fact my fellow walkers noticed
that he seemed to be pulling less -and- walking better with this Harness on... and I was not using the front connection. Only the top
one on his back.
The second test was taking it off, hanging it up with his leash and then taking it down
this morning and putting it back on him. He was a little hesitant at first -but- he let me put it on him and we went for our second Harness
walk. On the first walk he was allowed to run free ... wearing the Harness ... but free. On this second walk we just walked around the
neighborhood and he was 'hooked up' the whole time. No problem. After the walk we went in the house, removed the Harness, hung up the
walking tools and went off to work.
September 18, 2015/6:35pm
Well... what I was expecting... happened. He was hesiant this morning -but- this evening he wanted no part of it. He shied
away from me when I tried to put it on him. I sat on the couch and waited for him to come but as soon as I reached for him, he
took off. As a last resort I 'bribed' him with a treat which he had to stick his head in the Harness to get. He did, we hooked up
and went for a walk in the park with his friend from across the street. We let them off leash in the park -but- when it came time
to go ... he didn't want to. I finally got him hooked up and then he just layed on the ground. Almost had to drag him home. The trip
was probably to short but my friend had to go for his sister's performance at our high school football game halftime. So now we
wait for the morrow...
Well, later in the evening he acted like he wanted to go for a walk. -BUT- he would NOT let me put the Harness on him. Tried the treat
bribe -but- it did not work this time. So, we did not go for a walk -and- he did not get a treat. Now we need to wait for the morning.
Walks are finished -until- he accepts the Harness.
September 19th, 2015/9:30am
Allllllrigthy now.... the continuing story. At approximately 4:40am I tried to put the Harness on Dakotah.
He shied away from me. I tried everything, treats, playing with him and the harness, wearing the harness on my arm and looking through
it like I was wearing it. Nothing would work. I did not chase him or try to force the Harness on him. He came up to me several times and
tucked his head under my arm but would pull away if I made any kind of movement that suggested the Harness going on. At approximately 5:50am,
I got it on him. It was one of those times that he came up from behind me and stuck his head under my arm. I was on the couch and he got up
and circled behind me and then under my arm. Anywho, I was able to slip the over the head part over his head. After letting him settle a
little bit I was able to buckle up the part that encircled his chest. We then went for a walk with our two walking partners.
After the walk I left the Harness on him in case my neighbor across the street called
to go for a walk. He has a Heeler that is only two weeks younger than Dakotah.
They play well together. He called and we went out again. It was good. Lots of running in the park.
Now the bad part. I left the Harness on again after the second walk to try and get
him used to it. My wife got up and she was playing with him. Well he got across her body and his bony elbows were digging in. She tried to gently
push/lift him off of her and he let out a yelp! She is not sure what happened but it appears that possibly something with the Harness
cause a pinch. Well, I removed it from him after that and .... I'm not sure IF I will ever get it on him again. But then, I must
stick with my word. I said that he will wear it or no walks... we'll see later this evening.
Later: I am wearing the Harness on my arm
whilst sitting at my computer -or- watching TV. He has come around and let me pet him with that arm. He also started sniffing around the
Harness and poked his nose in it a little. Think that I need to wear it a little longer. If necessary, for a week or more. Tomorrow I must
be at work early so my "Dog Walking" will be by myself earlier than anyone else gets up on a Sunday. So, I will try to put the Harness
on him and IF he refuses then no walk. In the evening, my friend with the Heeler, will probably want to get them together. That happened
this evening and I took him via the collar and leash. Just because of Tomo,
the other dog wanting to play. This is gona be tuff.
Tomo is short for Tomodachi the dogs full name. It means friend in Japanese.
Dakotah Meaning: Friend: Ally. Tribal Name.
This was totally by accident even though Jeff and I live across the street from each other. However, the two dogs live up to their names and
have become close friends. Annnddd... they are only two weeks apart in age. Tomo
the younger of the two.
Tuesday October 6th, 2015
This was a day to be remembered... he slipped out of my $40 Harness!!!
Guess what???? I got him to wear it, begrudgingly, but on Tuesday, Oct 6th, 2015 at around 6:20am he slipped out of the Harness!!
I didn't think that was possible. He did a 'poo' in the park and I was cleaning it up. He was on leash and close to me as I was
cleaning the grass. I felt the leash go slack. I thought he was coming closer -but- when I looked... the Harness was on the
ground and he was walking around without it. How is that possible???
Note: I contacted Ruffwear and they said that the "Front Range Harness" is NOT escape proof. And I quote them:
"Basically the dog lowers it's head and takes the harness off like a T-Shirt, pulling it up and over their head and shoulders."
This is with the top, or back, connection that will help them pull it off if they back up.
Their recomendation was, naturally, their more expensive WebMaster Harness. They refer to it as their "houdini-proof harness".
Of course it is $20 more for an extra strap that goes around their smaller part towards the rear legs. I was worried about his
front legs with the current harness and the previous one. But I think this one would make me concerned with, the extra strap, messing with his
male parts. Besides, my main interest in this Harness in the first place was to have the 'NO' choking episodes. IF he can back out
of it fairly easily... I'll just have to pay more attention when walking him -and- cleaning up after him. I'll also have to teach/learn him
"Sit and Stay" whilst I clean up his mess. I do NOT find fault with Ruffwear... but with myself for not having more control over
my dog. Well, on second thought, the Harness shouldn't slip off so easily. Still, I need to have him sit and wait whilst I clean
up his messes. Him pulling on me whilst I am cleaning up the 'poo' is not fun.
Browine&Bear |
TaoTronics |
I had considered both of the above leashes and the 2 main reasons I purchased the TaoTronics one were because of
the color and the handle height.
I am so happy with it
(the Harness),
and like it so much, that this is a free advertisement for them. Even though after success I had some troubles.
Later: Well, I still like it -BUT-
Dakotah doesn't!! As stated above,
he almost put it on himself when it arrived, but now he won't let me put it on him. It has become a battle of wills.
No Harness -- No Walk. He does NOT like to be restricted. That was what I observed with the first Harness that I wish
now I had not given up on. Later: He is wearing the new Harness... begrudgingly... but he wears it.
June 24th, 2016/8:10am An UpDate; He still
does NOT like wearing the Harness. As stated above, and in the beginning, I have learned that the main reason is...
my Dakotah does not like things going
over his head... except my arms!! Found this out with his current collar which he backed out of a couple of times.
Therefore, I have ordered a Ruffwear Martingale Collar.
My neighbor, Jeff with the Heeler mix, has one and it not only looks good but I do believe he has had just a little
bit more success in the "No Pulling" aspect. Should get mine some time next week.
(Received it June 27th, 2016)
The Harness
- This comfortable harness from Ruffwear® is a quick and easy alternative to the traditional collar,
so grab your favorite furbaby and go find an adventure.
- Four point adjustable harness with snap-buckle closure.
- Padded panels at chest and back create even load dispersion.
- Ruffwear logo patch at back.
- Leash attachment points:
Aluminum V-ring at back.
Durable nylon webbing at chest.
- I.D. tag pocket with hook-and-loop closure.
- Reflective trim for added visibility.
- Hand wash, air dry.
- Size guide: measurement is taken around widest part of rib cage.
· XXS: 13-17 in (33-43 cm)
· XS: 17-22 in (43-56 cm)
· SM: 22-27 in (56-69 cm)
· MD: 27-32 in (69-81 cm)
· LG/XL: 32-42 in (81-107 cm)
- AND I add that it is not escape proof. But then, neither are collars.
- Only Natural Pet .
April 12th, 2017 / 12:21am Well, I am going to try
the Harness route again. I have had it hanging on the back of my computer desk chair fot the past few months. I take it off and my
Dakotah will run!! So, I am going to try the techniques that
were demonstrated by kikopup .
She was training a puppy and I am trying to train/re-train a 2 year old GSD/Husky. As said previously, he almost put it on himself when it first
arrived. Now he wants nothing to do with it... which I am wondering if it is the "No Pull" feature that bothers him the most. It gives
me more control which is not what he wants. In addition the over the head part. IF I can start getting it back on him I will just use the top
'back' clip. Don't really need the no pull aspect as much anymore but I like the back clip part that keeps the leash away from his front legs.
Also IF he sees something to chase he won't injure his throat.
Choosing a Harness
Six Reasons To Use A Harness
The Martingale
Tired of your dog bolting and tearing your arm off every time a squirrel comes into view?
The Ruffwear Chain Reaction Collar can
help. With three-quarters webbing and one-quarter cinching chain, this collar cinches around your dog's neck to provide audible
on-leash correction but, unlike many other cinching collars, the Chain Reaction has a distinct cinch limit so it can't get
harmfully tight. Some dogs just need a little reminder to pull in the reigns, and this adjustable collar is a responsible way to
deliver the message.
- Integrated, limited-cinch steel chain offers audible correction for controlled leash walking
- Tubelok webbing is thick, strong, and designed to withstand the use and abuse of a canine
- V-ring leash attachment is made of a single piece of anodized aluminum for strength and durability
- Quick-Ring attachment points allow you to easy add or remove dog tags for identification and keeps the tags away from the leash clip
- Silicone tag-silencer keeps ID tags from jingling.
Well, this may have to go. I like hearing the tags jingle.
- Reflective trim improves the visibility of this collar (and your dog) at dusk, dawn, or in other low-light situations
- Item #RUF0100
- BackCountry
Properly fitting a collar to your dog depends on the size of the dog. For dogs under twenty pounds, use your pinky finger to check
the collar; for dogs over twenty pounds, use your first two fingers to check the collar. First check to see how much you need to
adjust the collar. Slide your finger(s) under your dog's collar. You should be able to fit two fingers (pinky finger for smaller
dogs) under the collar comfortably without having excess room (Note: keep your two fingers side by side, not on top of one another).
If you cannot fit your finger(s) under the collar, you need to loosen the collar; if you have too much room between the collar and
your dog's neck, you need to tighten the collar. For harnesses, the same principle stands. If you can slip two fingers under all
the straps of the harness, it is fitted comfortably. For growing puppies, you will want to check the collar weekly to make sure
that the collar is not getting too tight. If you are having trouble fitting your dog for a collar or harness, or if you have more
questions, contact your veterinarian or dog trainer.
Refer: Correctly Fitting
Also Refer: Are they any use??
Traing Harness Tips
Hands Free Dog Leash
HANDS FREE WAIST WEARING: Enjoy a hands free dog leash belt that lets you freely use your phone or read a newspaper without feeling restrained by your dog�s movements
EXTRA HANDLES FOR EXTRA CONTROL: Guide your dog without breaking stride via the built-in waist handle; get a more direct control and prevent dog fights with the collar�s handle
STRONG DUAL BUNGEE CONSTRUCTION: Benefit from a dual spring build that�ll absorb all jerks and lunges from dogs up to 150lb; reduce back strain and the risk of getting hurt, dog training leash
FIT FOR ALL DOG SIZES: Experience an adjustable hands free dog leash belt that stretches up to 63" to suit all dogs no matter their size
RELFECTIVE SITCHING FOR NIGHT USE: Benefit from extra safety at night with the luminous reflective stitching; enjoy a hands free dog leash for running that provides added visibility
February 20th, 2017 Ordered this on Saturday and received it on Monday.
That Amazon Prime is pretty good.
I really didn't expect it till Tuesday or Wednesday because of week-end ordering. Anywho, I got it and am very happy with it. The dual handles
-and- the length(which is adjustable) are just perfect. Leastwise they are for me.
April 12th, 2017
I am very happy with this new leash... and I know this will sound strang -but- I do believe that my
Dakotah likes it also. It seems that it takes an Electronic
company to design a good leash. The handles are perfect. They are raised up so that you can easily slip your hand(s) into them. The positioning is also
great. I have had better 'luck' and control of my dog with this leash than anything else I have tried... except the Harness which he won't wear anymore!
The options to hook the leash at either end is also good. If you want full control, you hook it up with the one handle close to the collar. If there
is room for more freedom then you reverse it and hook it up so the 'end' handle is at your hand. The 'middle' handle is just for general control
and 'walk' training. With the 'extra' 'D' rings you can create all sorts of combinations to get control and freedom for your dog. Also allows you to
'tie' him up on short and long lengths temporarily.
One of the better parts is also the 'only' problem I have found, and had, with it. The "adjustable" waist band. It 'loosens' as the dog
pulls on it. My fix was/is a saftey pin!
June 28th, 2016 / 6:44am
Well, I got the Martingale Collar yesterday and still have not put it on him! Why?? Cause I want some time to be with him when he
is first wearing it. Because of PC repairs, pool maintenance and other things, like him sleeping, the proper time has not
been available.
June 29th, 2016 / 7:01am
Put the new Ruffwear Collar on him this morning. I have to go to work -but-
my wife will be home all day so he will be monitored on his first day of wearing it. It wasn't as much of a struggle as I
thought it would be. He was just his 'usual high energy self'. We had just gotten back from our morning walk.
and Kiko were running and chasing each other. It was hot and muggy. Thought that would 'tire' him out. Nope. He laid by the
fan for about 5 or 10 minutes and then he was ready to go again!! Anywho, he has the new collar on.
It is only a few minutes later and I tried to take him for a walk wearing his new
collar. He walked right beside me -but- was lagging a litte. He didn't really want to go for a walk. To hot and muggy!! So we went
back home and in the air conditioning and he just laid down. Have to wait till this evening and try again.
July 11th, 2016
Well, found another possible reason to NOT leave it on him... Loosing it!! Yep, gone. In our walk this morning
Dakotah lost his new Martingale Collar.
You must be careful to NOT get them to tight -but- looks like you need to be careful to NOT get them to loose. We looked all over
and could not find it. I thought that it was 'lost forever'. But two days later one of my neighbors, Tony, appeared at our door with
the collar!! He said he saw Dakotah's name on
the tag and then knew where to take it. Another reason for having dog tags.
Perfect Fit Harness