Welcome to Our Leap 42.3 Website!
August 30th, 2017 Redoing almost all of my systems. Trying to get Bluetooth working properly in Linux and then trying to get our Printer set up Wirelessly was to much. I screwed everything up. So, we are once again Re-Installing openSuSE 42.3. The previous one was the Beta anyway and this one is the Released Version. It is mentioned elsewhere that this was originally a combo with 42.2. Well, it is now just a 42.3 version. I'm stating that now cause there may be spots where 42.2 creeps in and I may not change them. Either cause I forgot or I just wanted to leave it the way it was. Most of the stuff applies to both anyway.
February 22, 2018 / 8:38am Just updated to the latest on "Main Momma". It was 121 packages. Now going to do the same to the "Other" machine. It will be 265 packages. I'm bad at keeping Up-To-Date. Gona have to watc this closer. The Dakotah-i7 did a kernel UpDate and requires a ReBoot. I'm sure that Tipper-i7 will also require it. Incidentally, all of the Windows 10 portions required UpDates -but- they always do. --insert smiley--
Well, I finally did it. Over the last couple of days I have UpDated/UpGraded my "Main Systm" to openSuSE Leap 42.2. Like the last one, 42.1, I drug my feet on this one. I've gotten older -and- not quite as enthusiastic about all these new versions as I used to be. The main reason I jumped over/up to this one was because of my problems with Bluetooth. Only to find that I still had them after the change. The problems and the fixes are referenced here and here . The second 'here' reference has more info than the first. Mainly cause it concerns my Main Puter.
June 28th, 2017/9:57pm I didn't have much in here on Leap 42.2 so I decided to make it a combo page and include 42.3. Most of what was being covered was/is the Bluetooth headset that I got for Christmas from my daughter. Which after I do the "UpGrade" I will probably have to fight with again.
Downloaded the Leap 42.3 iso and created a dvd. I have never done a 'zypper dup' and it was suggested that doing an UpGrade from a DVD might be safer. That was the way that I went from openSuSE 13.2 to Leap 42.1 to Leap 42.2 so now we are gona try it with this latest one. Besides, it was also mentioned that this release is more like a Service Pack.
June 5th, 2017/10:52pm As in all my Web Pages, I admit it
when I make a mistake... and this time it was a big one. As mentioned above, and further down, I had problems with my
Bluetooth. And because I forgot something that I learned in
the first go around -- and then half remembered -- and then did the wrong thing -- and I wiped my system!! The Linux
one! I agreed to removing to much. Anywho, this will now be a "Fresh" install. The previous one was an UpGrade from
13.2 to 42.1 and then finally to 42.2.
I'm even using the Linux Quanta+ to start editing this Web Page.
Have not yet setup VMware and Windows.
I terribly miss my Homesite but we will suffer through for now.
- Dual Boot -- Yast > boot loader - then in one tab it says probe other OS. Check it.
- Quanta Plus -- had to re-install
- Bluetooth -- My headset re-connected!!