Welcome to Our openSuSE Leap Website!
Refer: Tecmint.com SUSE (Software und System Entwicklung (Germany) meaning Software and System Development, in English) Linux lies on top of Linux Kernel bought by Novell. SUSE comes in two packs. One of them is called OpenSUSE, which is freely available (free as in speech as well as free as in wine). It is a community driven project packed with latest application support, the latest stable release of OpenSUSE Linux is 13.2.
# zypper Usage: zypper [--global-options]
Drug our feet on UpDating this one. Main reason was cause of VMware. We have/had version 10 and it would not work in the latest openSuSE. We finally purchased version 12 and now we can, and did, UpDate to openSuSE Leap 42.1. The other 'main' reason was/is because of our new phone, an HTC M10. It comes with a new USB type 'C' connector and the other end is supposed to be a USB type '3.1' connector. Well, trying my 'normal' connections did not work... and, unfortunately, neither did the 3.0 connections. So, we figured an UpDate was in order to get the "latest" drivers. Need to finish the setups in order to determine IF this was a good reason... or not. The 'Free Windows 10' was the other reason and it required VMware 12.
July 20th, 2016/11:09pm Well, in the 6 month delay of my
getting it installed, they have come up with 1,157 packages for UpDates!!! Installing them now to see IF
one of them will fix my "Access Problem". I can not run Firefox on my local files like I could
before on openSuSE 13.2. However, I got to item 602 of 1157 and hung. It was/is
gtk3-immodule-vietnamese - 124.7KiB
I tred to Abort it and it ignored me. Guess I will have to use the bute force method.
Ok, I got it aborted and it looks like they were/are doing something up on the server. So we
will see how this one goes... looking better.
12:03am Finished and we are requested to reboot to load the newest kernel. We have a problem...
I can not control my machine thru the "Normal" Power controls at the bottom left. I had to:
sudo shutdown -r now
in order to restart my machine after this massive UpDate!! -AND- AFTER this massive UpDate
and ReStart I still get the little notification in the bottom right corner that I have
three UpDates!!!
The 'latest' UpDates are:
openSuSE-2016-149 digikam
openSuSE-2016-236 digikam
openSuSE-2016-887 dhcp
Now then, I performed a ReBoot after installing these UpDates because I wanted to see IF
I had control from my start corner agsin -and- just because.
Allllrighty now...
as of July 21st, 2016/5:51am we are ALL Up-To-Date in our new
Leap 42.1.
Well, the above UpDates caused a change in the kernel and that causes a change in VMware 12 which requires several modules to be re-complied and loaded into the running kernel. We did it and have our VMware up and running. -AND- from within VMware I can access my Two Tera Byte drive via the File Explorer -and- I can even edit and save a file on it from within Windows 10.
Ok now a further test... I can from my Laptop synchronize these WebPages to the 'F:' drive on the Two Tera Byte drive. So it, the 'F:' drive, can be read -and- written to from my usual places... EXCEPT from my "Local Firefox"!!!