Welcome to Our Leap 15 Website!
A new attempt... Had some troubles with my Networking. It seemed to be a
Windows 10 problem. I have 3 machines plus, networked together. Plus I am
running VMware on two of them
in order to run Windows 7 & 10 so I can use Homesite
and Dreamweaver. Which Windows I use depends on
the Windows 10 UpDates.
On my HP i7-1 I lost my Networking in Windows. I went round and round on this, re-installing and even getting a new copy of Windows 7!! But to no avail. I was gona go backwards on my Linux to a previous version where it worked BUT I decided to try a forward move and install openSuSE Leap 15. That fixed it!! In fact I am editing this file, which is on the "Main HP i7-2" machine, from Homesite in VMware on my "HP i7-1"!
But now I am having a problem with my "Main" machine. You see the comment box down below?? It is supposed to have rounded corners. Well on the main machine it is NOT reading the "Styles file" correctly and the box has square corners. In fact it looks like it is not reading the code section in the CSS file at all. It works on the other machines. So... I am gona "UpDate" the main machine to Leap 15.
December 5th, 2018 Well.... made a fool of self again!! Of course the developers/programmers on Mozilla Firefox helped. How??? you ask?? The CACHE!! Cleared the cache and the problem cleared up! The real crux of the problem was... I made changes to the Blend-DuotoneGreen.css file and they did NOT show up in the HTML file! Well, at least I am now Up-To-Date on all my Linux's.
April 6th, 2019 Updates again... on both of my i7's. On my Main machine, HP i7-2, I was 195 updates behind. But on the other, HP i7-1, I was 344 packages behind. Updated HP i7-2, which included NO kernel updates, and ReBooted. It all worked including VMware. Now to do the 300+ on the other... which includes kernel updates.
October 15th, 2019 UpDates again... This time only on my
Main machine, HP i7-2.
I was 337 UpDates behind. And naturally VMware didn't work.
Think I have to do all those things listed below. At least that is how I am going to try to "fix" this. Right now I am using Quanta.
Alllllrighty now... we were successful using these procedures. I am signed on in Homesite
and Dreamweaver in Windows 10 via
October 18th, 2019 Wow and double Wow... I just checked my other machine, the HP i7-2, and it is 496 UpDates behind!! Taking a chance and letting it UpDate whilst I am at work. Just started it and gone.
Taking care of wife, who recently had a stroke, taking care of dog, whom has developed some allergies, getting Solar panels installed, refinancing the house and trying to keep up on these computers AND my SmartPhone UpToDate. Getting a little hairy.