SuSE 10.1 beta-2 / beta-3 / beta-4
Beta-1 Note: In my Humble Opinion, beta-1 was a disaster. Hopefully this one will be better Preparing for Beta-2 - Now Beta-3 - And Beta-4 Today is 26 Jan 05. The beta-2 is to be released today. I went to the mirror and they have
the new dir but no code... at 2:50am. Yesterday I dumped beta-1 in total disgust. I re-loaded a fresh download of 10.0
from England. They had full copies... never did find out what they ment by complete archives and partial archives. Note:Just want to mention that I was able to put QPS and Bluefish in operation in
version 10.0. However, I had some problems with apache. One of the things I enjoy with Linux is the fact that I can
create WebPages and run them locally as my own ISP, so to speak. I got everything going but could not do that in
this version of version 10.0. Turns out I had to add a parameter to the httpd.conf file. # forbid access to the entire filesystem by default ## <Directory /> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Order deny,allow Deny from all Allow from dusty-tr.TRComputing </Directory>In addition to the Indexes FollowSymLinks I had to add the Allow statement. A little side note. I was able to install and use VMware 3.2 under SuSE version 10.0. System Hardware Info:
Problems Discussed: Networking - Samba - VMware - USB Mouse - Zip Drive - Floppy Size Date Name Praises Given: Hope there will be some to give ... this time. Unfortunately, my first comment is a complaint. In Beta-2, once again
my USB mouse was not recognized... at least in the Install. I performed the check of the MD5SUMS on the disks that I created and they were
all ok. During this check my USB mouse did not work. After accepting the defaults on the first couple of items we get to the installation mode and I am choosing Update. I have SuSE 10.0 installed and working and I want to see if I can do an update to 10.1 and keep it working. My previous attemps on this type of Install were not successful. I have everything that I care about working in version 10.0. After selecting Update it properly found my Linux 10.0 partition. In the next screen it scanned the system and could not solve all conflicts, required manual intervention: Whilst investigating the above, I found that it is going to dump all of my php4 stuff. I saw in the beta-1 version that they were dumping version 4 for 5. Hope my stuff will still work!!
Allllrighty now. Finished installation and system started. USB mouse works and I still have my
setups. Ok. Let's restart and see what happens.... darn! USB mouse does not work. Once again I must end current session,
relog on and the USB mouse will work. This is getting to be a big pain. Beta-3 Note:Becuase of the memory problem I am doing a FULL install. Now then I have a wild system setup and it seems that every time I install or update my system, the install comes up with some different partitioning. This time it was really wild. I didn't like it and wanted to change it but could not remember how I had things setup. Sooooo, I aborted this Beta-3 install, got out my version 10.0 CD's and started an install with them. I was then shown what I wanted to see. After taking some notes, and aborting the version 10.0 install, I am continuing on with Beta-3. Went thru the Beta-3 disks, installed the system and app software. Made some of my own choices. For the Network I just took the defaults. I gota go help my wife on the house and I don't have time. 'Sides, I want to see how the defaults work now-a-days. Ok in the Grand Finish it detected my Sony HS95, my Nvidia Gefore 2, and it also found the print server.
So it looks good so far. Finally got Installation Complete and we click on finish. The system went out and booted up to the Logon
Screen. USB mouse worked and it had me there for a selection to login in. I did and we got a nice pretty blue desktop. On this desktop
were: Beta-4 Top Beta-2 As mentioned above, on the initial login the USB mouse does not work. As before, in the alphas and the other beta, you must end the current session - NOT restart - but just end the current session and then relogin. The USB mouse will then work. The destop looked the same. It had the icons for the apps that I had put there and the two xterms I normally have come up when I start. Beta-3 Note:Allllrighty! I dual boot my system and for some reason, with this Sony monitor the text of the boot up would run off the page. The Normal desktop would be aligned ok. If I set the monitor's alignment on the menu for the Linux boot-up screens then the WinXP screens would be messed up. Offset a whole 1/4 inch!! Well, the Linux group has fixed my problem. In this version the text in the boot-up is centered. Great. Another Beta-3 good thing is the USB mouse. It worked!! First Login is good... no... it is great! Hope I can maintain this high attitude. Beta-4 Top Conviences: We all have our ways of doing things and I have mine. I re-installed my .alias, .function and .xintrc so that I can operate my way. Just some little short cuts to the long arguments for ls and others. I also like nedit. They don't include it anymore but I have my own copy that I install on every new release. So far it has continued to work. Beta-2:Doesn't work at first login in. See above. Beta-3:Works at the Login Screen....and thereafter... hurray!! Beta-4 Top Networking - Samba smb & nmb and apache: Beta-2:At the first logon smbd and nmbd are both running. So they were properly carried over. I could connect to the Internet - BUT - I could not connect to my WebPages locally. I suspect that they loaded a brand new httpd.conf file and I wil have to put the changes back in. Beta-3 Note:I think I can assume that this is working. I have been able to read my Windows drives from my Linux desktop. Course, I think that Samba is needed so Windows can see the Linux stuff so maybe this isn't so great. Need to setup my configuration first. Hmmmmm... Doesn't have the correct Network names. Have to make changes. I set my host name to dusty-tr and also set the host name for the printer server, PSD55465. Now we'll reboot and see if it all still works. I thought that I had set Samba to start at boot-up, but evidently I didn't. Cause it didn't start. However, after going into YAST and setting Samba server properly, at boot-up it started Samba... yahoooo. Ooooops... no apache (httpd). Hmmm could've sworn that I started that. Let's check in YAST. Nope. Darn, must be to many changes here for my feeble brain to handle. Think I'm forgetting which alpha or beta that I'm on and what I've done. Arrrggg! Set it to be started at boot time and in doing so it got started for this session. Well... it can't find my WebPages on my local machine. We went from can't finding the server to can't finding the WebPage. I guess that is progress. Here we go again. Ok, I put the phpinfo test in the htdocs dir and executed it from Firefox. It worked. So it can find something that is "Local". What is the problem?? I put the changes mentioned above in httpd.conf. Have not been able to resolve this. Beta-4 Top Printer Configuration
Top Beta-2: I did get the boot sounds but no other tests were made. Beta-3 Note:Nothing to report. Beta-4 Top In Beta-2 this worked. Course I didn't change the settings so I don't know if it will work properly with the setting to not restore the desktop. Not important now. Beta-3 Note:Worked fine. I changed the setting so that it would start with an empty session and it still let me shutdown. Good progress. On start-up it does not display double xterms if I have not cleared them when I exited the last time. In other words, it starts with an empty or clean session. Beta-4 Top Beta-2:Mozilla Firefox worked... that's all I know for now. Beta-3 Note:Once again, Firefox worked fine. Haven't set up Thunderbird e-mail yet. Well, I just did. I didn't notice that Thunderbird 1.5 was included in the software packages. I went back into YAST and found it and installed it. Now need to see if I can set it up with my old mail. Well, it screwed up again. I create 3 folders in my mail environment. One for chucktr on, one for chucktr on and one for tr on Now in Netscape, I see these name as the headers in the mail folders. Here in Firefox I don't see them UNLESS I setup Netscape with these folders and then import the settings. Annnnd that is exactly what I did. Dumped my T-bird profile, installed and setup Netscape and then recovered my Mail. After this I re-setup Thunderbird and during the setup I said "import" and when it was finished I had the folders showing in the left window with the proper mailbox names. I'll have to remember to check on this at Mozilla and report it if it hasn't been already. Beta-4 Top In Beta-2 I did not get to test this. Beta-3 Note:Since I couldn't get it to read my local pages it remains untested. Beta-4 Top Beta-2: I'm almost afraid to... but I must... and I did. Compile time was 65min 48sec. The main reason for this was/is it install VMware. Beta-3 Note:Allllrighty Now. It compiled successfully in 69min 42secs. Now to see which VMware I can get installed. That is the only reason for the compile. At least at this time. Beta-4 Top Beta-2: Nope. It did not get carried over. I knew that I would have to compile the kernel to make all the packages, moduels and configurations for the new kernel. But, I can not load VMware 3.2. The library module is missing. I haven't found one yet and I'm not sure that it is worth it anymore. I have been blessed with a copy of VMware 5.5 from a conference that they presented here in Phoenix. So, I will possibly attempt to run VMware 3.2 in later versions ... to see if it will... but other than that I think I am just gona use 5.5 OR their new VMware Player. In case you have missed it, VMware is now offering a Player so that, we who don't like changes, can still use our Pet software from the "old days". Mine is primarily Homesite. Annnd... all of my customers are using Windows. So I need to keep in touch with the Windows world. Well, looks like I missed it. VMware 5.5 will not install on SuSE 10.1 Beta-2. Couldn't compile vmmon or vmnet. Need to find out why I guess. So far no luck. It is missing a define and has conflicts on another. Beta-3 Note:VMware installation was... an experience. Good thing we have Petr (Petr Vandrovec). He is an expert
on VMware and is very knowledgeable about all this computer stuff. I tried to install both VMware 3.2 and 5.5.1 and could not get past the vmware-config
part. Kept failing in the compile. There is a fix from Petr and it is in the Makefile.kernel which is found in vmmon.tar and vmnet.tar.
You must add (and this is a quote): Now we have VMware 5.5.1 installed and I need to install Win2K. However, when I place the CD in the top drive, which is my recorer, it doesn't read it. After some fumbling and further investigation, I found that it was looking at the DVD-ROM drive, which is the second one down. Normally they take the first one in the list. This time they took the second. Anyway, I was able to get Win2K loaded and running. I found that this Beta-3 version includes icons for VM-Player and for VMware Workstation. However, I made my own and I am still using it. Why? Cause it is mine and I like it. Beta-4 Top Beta-2: Hey, Hey, Hey. Bluefish got carried over. It works in this Beta-2 version and I didn't have to do a thing. Now, understand. I did not install it under Beta-2. It was previously installed in version 10.0 and this was an Update. Even so, it works. Beta-3 Note:Okm this was a FULL install. In the previous alpha's and beta's I had some trouble getting everything needed
to compile and setup bluefish. For this version it worked fine. I had to install the following packages in order to get this to work:
Beta-4 Top Not running yet. /var/lib/mysql/TRcustomers/ Top Beta-2: Well, unfortunately this didn't carry across on the Update. However, all I had to do was
re-install it. So, no big problem. Beta-3 Note:Alllllrighty now. QPS installed and executed finely. Beta-4 Top In Beta-2 I did not get to test this. Beta-3 Note: Not tested again. Beta-4 Top Now then, in order to get my Parallel zip drive working in 10.0 I had to set things up manually. In fstab: /dev/sda4 /media/zip subfs user,noauto,fs=auto,procuid,nosuid,nodev,sync 0 0 Then: create /media/zip and then, create the device node (be careful with your spelling!): cd /dev mknod sda4 b 8 4 chown root:disk sda4 I did not get this working in Beta-2. Beta-3 Note: Didn't get it working here either..! Beta-4 Top Beta-2: Well, this drive and my two DVD drives got left out of the fstab. In My Computer it showed the floppy but I couldn't access it. The only other drive in my computer was/is the Recovery Partition. ? ? Not sure what is going on here. Got no one to talk to. Beta-3 Note:Ditto on the note above. Beta-4 Top Waiting for RC1 ? ? ?
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